Campus Ministry


Our members are inspired by the love of Christ to go out and encounter students on college campuses across the country. They work as missionaries, chaplains, and campus ministers to creatively engage those on the peripheries. Many Youth Apostles are also full-time college students who actively participate in their campus ministry programs and often form Youth Apostles communities within their university.

College students are thirsty for models to imitate and often follow the example of those with whom they have relationships. Through our friendships with college students, we are able to walk with them on their journey of faith and provide them with a model of the peace and joy that come from authentic Christian discipleship lived out concretely in everyday life.

Essential components to a Campus Ministry program within Youth Apostles include the following:

  • Relational Ministry

  • Sacramental Life

  • Prayer

  • Faith Formation

  • Small Faith Groups

  • Overnight Retreats

  • Single-Sex Ministry

  • Leadership Development

  • Vocational Discernment


Where Our Members Serve


Virginia Tech

Fr. Tom Yehl, YA, Chaplain
Chris Hitzelberger, Director

Christopher Newport University

Chris Roy, Director

Various Campus Ministries in the Archdiocese of Boston

Andrew DeCelle, FOCUS Missionary

Shenandoah University

Fr. Ramon Dominguez, YA, Chaplain

James Madison University

Fr. Peter Nassetta, YA, Chaplain