For 40 years, Youth Apostles has responded to the call to reach young people with the love of Christ. For 40 years, we have grown to a point where we reach 46,000 young people through the deep care and dedication of over 140 brothers and sisters. We have heard a clear call from the Lord to grow our membership and our impact. As our members increase, we are able to form more men and women strongly in the Catholic faith; and in turn, those strongly formed men and women are able to go out and evangelize, reaching more and more young people, giving them opportunities to encounter Christ and His transforming love. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus talks about the need for seeds to be sown in good soil (Matthew 13:3-9). We strive to till the soil of the hearts of young people so that the seeds of faith will bear much fruit.

Through your generous support, we will respond to the growing needs of young people. We will continue to build a formidable community on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ who said, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them” (Matthew 19:14).

Which Cornerstone are you building?

If you would prefer to fill out a pledge form manually, please click on "Manual Pledge", print the form, and send it to Youth Apostles at 1600 Carlin Lane, McLean, VA 22101.

Help Us Grow.


Grow our Youth Apostle Membership

Youth Apostle Centers are houses for local Youth Apostle communities. Consecrated and other single members live in our centers. Members and guests meet on a weekly basis for fellowship, formation and spiritual growth. Centers are critical to the growth of our membership. They are a launching pad for local youth and campus ministries. A new center at a campus ministry will help us build our program along similar lines to our thriving local community in Blacksburg, VA.

Goal: $933,000

Our Center at 1600 Carlin Lane in McLean remains the hub of our community. We purchased it 20+ years ago. It has served us very well as the main location for our weekly community meetings in Northern Virginia, a house of formation for our Consecrated men, and a launching pad for various new local communities over the past three decades. It has also served as a convenient location for our Full Member workshops, Holy Half Hours on First Fridays, Food For The Soul gatherings on Second Fridays and day retreats for our various ministries, their staffs and our own Youth Apostle Mission Companions. The McLean Center was built over 50 years ago and is in need of significant updates including a new HVAC system and handicap accessibility.

Goal: $1.155 Million

Youth Apostle Centers are houses for local Youth Apostle communities. Consecrated and other single members live in our centers. Members and guests meet on a weekly basis for fellowship, formation and spiritual growth. Centers are critical to the growth of our membership. They are a launching pad for local youth and campus ministries. A new center in Manassas will further the growth of Youth Apostles in the western part of Northern Virginia and give support to the Don Bosco Center.

Goal: $1.008 Million

Youth Apostle priests are critical to growing our ministries, especially on university campuses. We are fortunate to have Peter Clem in his fourth year of theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD. We are blessed to send three more seminarians to the seminary in the fall of 2020. We fully expect this growing trend to increase. Seminarians cost the community $35,000 per year. Over the next five years, we expect to need to cover the costs for four new seminarians.

Goal: $1.5 Million

Grow our Ministry Impact

The Women Youth Apostles plan to provide financial support for the Local Director for the Blacksburg Community of Women Youth Apostles to remain present in Blacksburg and to be available to continue supporting internal ministry to the community as a whole from 2020-2023. They also plan to develop a dynamic missionary program that prepares young women for service and leadership within the Church and community. The Women Youth Apostles plan to add to their administrative support to enable them to oversee operational processes with greater independence, coordinate development, and pursue public canonical status. Finally, they would like to add stability to their recent surge in membership by establishing a more permanent center in Northern Virginia and a second center in Blacksburg.

Goal: $800,000

The year of missionary service program has proven over the past ten years to be a strong source of new members, full-time youth workers and Consecrated men and women. We have hired a Youth Apostle member to build up the program, which includes options in youth ministry to focus on serving as an outreach missionary or gaining experience in directing a youth ministry program and options in campus ministry to serve as an outreach missionary or gaining experience in directing a youth ministry program. We have planned a new two or three year program for selected applicants where missionaries can earn a Master’s Degree in theology, youth ministry or counseling.

Goal: $724,000


We will build a fund that will support the financial obligations of men and women Youth Apostles who are married with children and engaged in full-time youth or campus ministry in order to help them remain serving as a youth or campus minister.

Goal: $250,000

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